Vanguard by Shopify Studios

What Drives an All-Femme Skate Crew

Episode Summary

Arianna Gil is the cofounder of Brujas, a Bronx-based skate crew and streetwear brand dedicated to radical political action. But the politics behind their clothes are often overlooked by mainstream gatekeepers and too radical for social media. How do they get their message out?

Episode Notes

Arianna Gil is the cofounder of Brujas, a Bronx-based skate crew and streetwear brand dedicated to radical political action. But the politics behind their clothes are often overlooked by mainstream gatekeepers and too radical for social media. How do they get their message out?

Store: Brujas
Recommended: 1971, F2L, The Attica Prison Riot

Anshuman Iddamsetty

Michelle Macklem
Emma Fedderson
Anshuman Iddamsetty

Senior Supervising Producer
Tammi Downey

Jason ‘Metal’ Donkersgoed

Musical Score
Jim Guthrie